
Alita: Battle Angel – Iron City

Iron City is an official prequel novel to Alita; Battle Angel the movie. Formats: Paperback, Hardcover, eBook, Audiobook Publisher: Titan Books Pages: 384 Author: Pat Cadigan Buy now: From


Hypnotic (2019)

More info coming soon Writers: Max Borenstein, Robert Rodriguez Director: Robert Rodriguez Company: Studio 8 Sources: IMDb | News announcement

Alita: Battle Angel (2019)

Alita: Battle Angel is a graphic novel adaptation directed by Robert Rodriguez and produced by James Cameron and Jon Landau (Avatar). The original novels were written by Yukito Kishiro. Laeta...

Rosa Salazar is cast as Battle Angel Alita

As Collider reported, the lead actress for Battle Angel Alita has been found. It’s Rosa Salazar, known for, among other things, Insurgent. As we have summarized earlier, Robert Rodriguez is...

Sock ’em Dead (2015) [short]

Robert Rodriguez directed a new short film for garment producer Happy Socks called “Sock ’em Dead” which premiered October 20, 2015 online. I directed a killer horror/action film called SOCK...